На днях "Lamb" добрались до своего блога, где выложили свои фото с концерта и немного написали о московском концерте.
"The show in Moscow was the crowning glory of the trip. An audience that sang along so loud to Gabriel they almost drowned me out, many of them also mouthing exuberantly along with the new songs, and a band somehow magically in the flow. It felt like a time for celebration and I found myself (the classic lightweight in the world of alcohol) uncharacteristically leading the cry for tequilas all round. At around 5am I landed blissfully into my hotel bed and slept until the smell of coffee beckoned me to the last throes of breakfast."
"The show in Moscow was the crowning glory of the trip. An audience that sang along so loud to Gabriel they almost drowned me out, many of them also mouthing exuberantly along with the new songs, and a band somehow magically in the flow. It felt like a time for celebration and I found myself (the classic lightweight in the world of alcohol) uncharacteristically leading the cry for tequilas all round. At around 5am I landed blissfully into my hotel bed and slept until the smell of coffee beckoned me to the last throes of breakfast."